What is Swagger in .net core?

swagger with net core

Have you ever felt lost in a maze of API endpoints, desperately searching for the right route to make your application work? 🤔 If you’re a .NET Core developer, you’re in luck! Swagger is here to light up your path and revolutionize the way you document and interact with your APIs.

Imagine having a powerful tool that not only generates clear, interactive documentation for your APIs but also allows you to test them in real-time. That’s exactly what Swagger brings to the table in .NET Core. It’s like having a GPS for your API landscape, guiding you through the intricate web of endpoints, parameters, and responses with ease. 🚀

In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of Swagger in .NET Core. We’ll explore its key components, walk through the implementation process, and discover how it can transform your API documentation. Get ready to elevate your development experience as we dive into best practices and unlock the full potential of Swagger in your .NET Core projects!

Understanding Swagger in .NET Core

Table of Contents

A. Definition and purpose of Swagger

Swagger is an open-source tool that simplifies API development and documentation in .NET Core applications. It provides a standardized way to describe, produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services. The primary purpose of Swagger is to make API documentation more accessible and interactive for both developers and end-users.

B. Benefits for API development

Swagger offers numerous advantages for API development in .NET Core:

  1. Automated documentation
  2. Interactive API testing
  3. Code generation
  4. Standardization
  5. Improved collaboration



Automated documentation

Generates up-to-date API documentation based on code

Interactive API testing

Allows users to test API endpoints directly from the UI

Code generation

Creates client SDKs and server stubs automatically


Ensures consistency across API design and documentation

Improved collaboration

Facilitates better communication between frontend and backend teams

C. Integration with .NET Core framework

Swagger seamlessly integrates with the .NET Core framework through the Swashbuckle package. This integration provides several key features:

  • Automatic API metadata generation
  • Swagger UI for interactive documentation
  • Customization options for API descriptions and schemas
  • Support for authentication and authorization
  • Easy configuration through startup.cs file

By leveraging Swagger in .NET Core, developers can streamline their API development process, improve documentation quality, and enhance the overall developer experience. With its robust features and seamless integration, Swagger has become an essential tool for modern API development in the .NET Core ecosystem.

Key Components of Swagger

To fully understand Swagger, let’s break down some of its core components:

  1. Swagger Editor
    Swagger Editor is an online tool for writing OpenAPI specifications. It offers real-time feedback, making it easier for developers to design APIs. You can write your API description in YAML or JSON and preview the generated documentation instantly.

  2. Swagger UI
    This is the interactive interface that renders your API documentation in a user-friendly format. It’s also where users can test API calls directly from the browser.

  3. Swagger Codegen
    Once the API is documented, Swagger Codegen can generate client SDKs, server stubs, and API documentation in multiple languages. This makes API integration simpler for developers working on various platforms.

  4. OpenAPI Specification (OAS)
    Swagger follows the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). This is the standard format that defines how the API documentation should be structured, including paths, methods, responses, security, and more. The specification ensures that the API documentation is consistent and comprehensive.

How to Use Swagger with Examples

Now that you have an understanding of Swagger, let’s look at a practical example of how Swagger is used in API development.

Example: Defining a Simple API

Let’s say you’re building a simple REST API for a bookstore. The API should allow users to:

  • View a list of books
  • Get details about a specific book
  • Add a new book

Here’s how you’d define these API endpoints using Swagger (in YAML format):

					openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Bookstore API
  description: A simple API to manage books in a bookstore
  version: 1.0.0

      summary: Get a list of books
          description: Successful response
                type: array
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Book'

      summary: Get details of a specific book
        - name: id
          in: path
          required: true
            type: integer
          description: Successful response
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Book'

      summary: Add a new book
        required: true
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Book'
          description: Book created

  1. /books: This endpoint allows the user to get a list of all books.
  2. /books/{id}: This endpoint retrieves the details of a specific book by its ID.
  3. /books (POST): This endpoint allows the user to add a new book to the list.
This Swagger definition gives a clear structure of the API, including the paths, methods (GET, POST), and the expected request/response formats.

Implementing Swagger in .NET Core

Now that we understand the key components of Swagger in .NET Core, let’s dive into the implementation process. This section will guide you through the steps to integrate Swagger into your .NET Core project, ensuring your API documentation is both comprehensive and interactive.

A. Adding Swagger to your project

To begin, you’ll need to add the necessary Swagger packages to your .NET Core project. Open your terminal and run the following command:

dotnet add package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

This command installs the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package, which provides all the tools you need to generate and serve Swagger documentation.

B. Configuring Swagger services

Next, you’ll need to configure Swagger services in your Startup.cs file. Add the following code to the ConfigureServices method:

					public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
        c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" });


This code sets up the Swagger generator with a basic configuration.

C. Enabling Swagger middleware

To serve the Swagger JSON and UI, you need to enable the Swagger middleware. Add the following code to the Configure method in your Startup.cs file:

					public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
        c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API V1");


This code enables the Swagger JSON endpoint and the Swagger UI.

D. Customizing Swagger UI

Swagger UI can be customized to match your project’s needs. Here’s a table showing some common customization options:





Changes the Swagger UI URL

c.RoutePrefix = “api-docs”;


Sets the page title

c.DocumentTitle = “My API Documentation”;


Controls model expansion depth



Shows request duration


To apply these customizations, add them to the UseSwaggerUI method in your Configure method.

With these steps completed, you’ve successfully implemented Swagger in your .NET Core project. You can now access your API documentation by navigating to /swagger in your browser.

Best Practices for Using Swagger in .NET Core

Now that we’ve explored the implementation and enhancement of Swagger in .NET Core, let’s dive into some best practices to maximize its effectiveness in your API development workflow.

Keeping documentation up-to-date

Maintaining current and accurate API documentation is crucial for both developers and consumers. Here are some tips to ensure your Swagger documentation remains up-to-date:

  • Use XML comments for each endpoint and model
  • Implement automated documentation updates in your development process
  • Regularly review and revise the documentation

Leveraging Swagger for API testing

Swagger isn’t just for documentation; it’s also a powerful tool for API testing. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  1. Utilize Swagger UI for manual testing
  2. Integrate Swagger with automated testing tools
  3. Generate client SDKs for various languages using Swagger Codegen

Integrating with CI/CD pipelines

Incorporating Swagger into your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines can streamline your API development process:

Integration Step


Automated documentation generation

Ensures up-to-date docs with each build

API contract testing

Validates API changes against Swagger specs

Client SDK generation

Automates creation of client libraries

By following these best practices, you’ll not only improve the quality of your API documentation but also enhance your overall development workflow. Remember, Swagger is more than just a documentation tool – it’s a comprehensive solution for API development in .NET Core.


Swagger in .NET Core revolutionizes API development and documentation, providing developers with a powerful toolset to streamline their workflow. By implementing Swagger, teams can create clear, interactive API documentation that enhances collaboration and reduces integration challenges. The key components of Swagger, such as Swashbuckle and OpenAPI, work seamlessly within the .NET Core ecosystem to generate comprehensive API specifications.

As you embark on your journey with Swagger in .NET Core, remember to follow best practices to maximize its benefits. Regularly update your API documentation, leverage Swagger UI for testing, and customize the output to align with your project’s needs. By doing so, you’ll not only improve the quality of your APIs but also enhance the overall developer experience for both your team and API consumers.

If you’re building a new API or working with microservices, consider using Swagger to enhance your development process. You can also explore more on API communication through microservices by checking our in-depth guide on communication of microservices to each other.

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